Our Work
Forestry Works
In 2007, our Stewardship Council worked in partnership with the Eastern Ontario Model Forest and Human Resource Development Canada to sponsor a forestry works crew.
The primary role of the crew was to assist the Eastern Ontario Certified Owners group with the advancing of their forest management plans. Secondary to this but equally important was the assistance given to many community environmental projects. Over the 12 month length of the program the crew was able to assist 21 landowners improve more than 46.2 hectares (114 acres) of woodlot and improve 6 kilometres of trails. The amount of work that the crews were able to accomplish was phenomenal. Notable accomplishments were Osprey platform construction and erection, orchid colony enhancement, tree planting, fish and wildlife enhancement, public safety, park maintenance, guidance to the Ontario Stewardship Rangers, bluebird house construction and awareness to Lanark’s Maple Grove Public School.
Funding for this project was received through HRDC. Our council’s primary role was coordination, the development of the work plan and the liasion with HRDC