With spring fishing and hunting seasons on the horizon, the questions around COVID-19 and its impact on fishing and hunting in Ontario have increased significantly.

The uncertainty of whether seasons would go ahead as planned, or if so, what restrictions may be in place, have been top of the mind for many anglers and hunters across the province.

Daily, sometimes hourly, we’re hearing from OFAH members and the outdoors community as a whole, with questions like:

Can I still go fishing and hunting?

Can I still go fishing from a boat?

How do I get my tag when I don’t have internet, a computer or a printer and there are no issuers in my area?

How long will these Emergency Orders be in place?

Those questions and many others have been asked of us in recent days, so we’ve updated our COVID-19 FAQ page to assist anglers and hunters in finding the answers they need.

Please click here to read the full FAQ.