Good Things in Our Future – Socially Responsible Investing

In the last 10 or 15 years, Lanark Highlands has attracted a lot of retirees – I’m one of them — and most of us come with our retirement funds, large or small. Retirement funds have a lot of power, because they represent the money we have ‘loaned’ to various...

Guide to Critiquing Official Plans

While Susan Berlin wrote this to give Lanark Highlands residents insight into evaluating their own Official Plan, it’s a very helpful read for the rest of us in Lanark County. All of our lower-tier municipalities are revising their Official Plans this year (except...
Regrowth and Regeneration

Regrowth and Regeneration

Seeing our beautiful oaks and apple trees regrowing a second set of leaves after the devastation of the LDD moth invasion earlier this summer, it seems like regrowth and regeneration are possible just when we need it. This theme is truly alive in many local farms...
Help show the community why Lanark County is the place to bee!

Help show the community why Lanark County is the place to bee!

Did you think about butterflies or bees when designing your outdoor space? Did you include a variety of native pollinator plants, and leave out pesticides and herbicides? If yes, we would love you to fill out our form so we can add...