Lanark Climate Network—Thank you to our Supporters

Mi Casa Theatre’s “Lighting the Way” — Last Fall, 50 community members from Mississippi Mills, age 10-65, created and performed “Lighting the Way” an evening of plays about the Climate. Produced by Mi Casa Theatre, the event also brought...

COVID-19 Fishing & Hunting FAQ UPDATE

With spring fishing and hunting seasons on the horizon, the questions around COVID-19 and its impact on fishing and hunting in Ontario have increased significantly. The uncertainty of whether seasons would go ahead as planned, or if so, what restrictions may be...

Decarbonizing Ontario — getting to an 80% reduction in GHGs by 2050!

Steve Lapp — keynote at the Climate Action Network’s Feb 20/20 workshop — outlines in detailed and practical terms how Ontario can decarbonize by 2050 — how our energy needs for transportation, building heating and cooling, and industrial energy will be met and what...

SURVEY: Climate Action Network

Participants, Climate Action Network workshop, Feb. 29/20 Thank you for participating! Now that you’ve had time to reflect, we would like to ask you a few questions about the workshop. Your comments will help us understand what worked and what didn’t, and how best to...

Climate Action Where We Live Workshop 

Climate Action Where We Live Workshop Hosted by the Climate Action Network of Lanark County, Smiths Falls & Region Saturday February 29, 2020 Algonquin College, Perth Campus, 7 Craig Street, Perth. DUE TO HIGH RESPONSE PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATION HAS CHANGED!Perth...

Become wild bee friendly

Pollination is critical to life on the planet — for healthy ecosystems and biodiversity and for agriculture and our food supply. Pollination takes place in many ways; wind and insects are the two biggies. All grains, grasses and many trees are pollinated by wind....